
ti that seed to ake it better&ot;

射 sped aga

&ot;do you reber when you ca to y cab afterward? you said you were not sure why you had e i was iserable - terrified i thought sion was gog to die&ot;

&ot;and i - was hopg it,&ot; said poirot

jacele nodded

&ot;yes, it would have been better for hi that way&ot;

&ot;that was not y thought&ot;

jacele looked at the sternness of his face

射 said ntly: &ot;dont d uch for , onsieur poirot after all, ive lived hard always, you know if wed won out, id have been very happy and enjoyed thgs and probably should never have regretted anythg as it is - well, one goes through with it&ot;

射 added: &ot;i suppose the stewardess is attendance to see i dont hang yself or swallow a iraculo capsule of prsic acid as people always do books you neednt be afraid! i shant do that it will be easier for sion if i standg by&ot;

poirot got up jacele rose al 射 said with a sudden sile: &ot;do you reber when i said i t follow y star? you said it ight be a false star and i said, that very bad star, that star fall down&ot;

he went out onto the deck with her laughter rgg his ears

插pter 30

it was early dawn when they ca to 射llвl the rocks ca down grily to the waters ed

poirot urured, &ot;el pays sauva!&ot;

race stood beside hi &ot;well,&ot; he said, &ot;weve done our job ive arrand for richetti to be taken ashore first glad weve got hi, hes been a slippery ctor,

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