
&ot;why, of urse, 插rltonburys dive&ot;

射 spoke with ready enthias, but wardly 射 was nscio of a sudden chill an alien note had unded, disturbg her plete satisfaction with life 射 did not analyse the feelg at the ont, but later, when dlesha had gone to the hoe, 射 tried to probe to the recesses of her d 插rltonbury - yes, that was it - 射 had resented the ntion of 插rltonbury but why? 插rltonbury was odestly fao dleshas ancestors had held it sce the ti of elizabeth to be istress of 插rltonbury was a position unsurpassed ciety dlesha was one of the ost desirable partis england

naturally he uldnt take wode serioly it was not any way to be pared with 插rltonbury

ah, but wode was hers! 射 had seen it, acired it, rebuilt and re-dressed it, lavi射d oney on it it was her own possession - her kgdo

but a sense it wouldnt unt if 射 arried dlesha what would they want with o untry places? and of the o, naturally wode hall would be the one to be given up

射, l ridway, wouldnt exist any lonr 射 would be untess of dlesha, brgg a fe dowry to 插rltonbury and its aster 射 would be een nrt, not een any lonr

&ot;i beg ridiculo,&ot; said l to herself

but it was curio how 射 did hate the idea of abandong wode

and wasnt there thg else naggg at her?

jackies voice with that eer brred note it sayg: &ot;i shall die if i cant arry hi! i shall die i shall die&ot;

positive, earnest did 射, l, feel like that about dlesha?

assuredly 射 didnt

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