第13部分 (第1/8頁)
ty took me into their dismal precincts; a sick buzzing in the brain; a languor as of exhausted limbs; es upon me with the memory。 The relief with which I stepped out into the street again; when all was over! Dear to me then was poverty; which for the moment seemed to make me a free man。 Dear to me was the labour at my desk; which; by parison; enabled me to respect myself。
Never again shall I shake hands with man or woman who is not in truth my friend。 Never again shall I go to see acquaintances with y brothers? Nay; thank Heaven; that they are not! I will do harm; if I can help it; to no one; I will wish good to all; but I will make no pretence of personal kindliness where; in the nature of things; it cannot be felt。 I have grimaced a smile and pattered unmeaning words to many a person whom I despised or from whom in heart I shrank; I did so because I had not courage to do otherwise。 For a man conscious of such weakness; the best is to live apart from the world。 Brave Samuel Johnson! One such truth…teller is worth all the moralists and preachers who ever laboured to humanise mankind。 Had HE withdrawn into solitude; it would have been a national loss。 Every one of his blunt; fearless words had more value than a whole evangel on the lips of a timidly good man。 It is thus that the monalty; however well clad; should be treated。 So seldom does the fool or the ruffian in broadcloth hear his just designation; so seldom is the man found who has a right to address him by it