第23部分 (第1/8頁)
?Okay;? Dan responded dubiously。 It appeared he had no choice in the matter。
Chuck tapped him on the shoulder。 ?So guess what? That dykey girlfriend of yours? I heard
she?s gonna be single again。 Her ?better half? is totally moving out。?
Meaning Vanessa or Aaron? Dan wasn?t even sure any…more who Vanessa was living with。 All
he knew was it wasn?t him。 His perspiration…soaked hands began to shake with a mixture of
confusion and happiness。 Maybe Vanessa had broken up with Aaron。 But they were so in love。
They even had matching haircuts。 He scribbled a series of check marks across the top of the page
he?d been writing on。 Vanessa broke up with Aaron!?
?So I take it you?re accepting the nomination;? Larry persisted; tapping his pencil annoyingly
against his wooden teacher desk。 ?All in favor say; ?Yeah!??
?Dude!?the class of boys responded in unison; perpetuating the not…so…funny tradition that had
started on the first day of senior year。 Dan blanched as they began to whoop and shriek in a
pletely unnecessary display of fake enthusiasm。 ?Go; Dan!?
The minute the bell rang; Dan called Vanessa to tell her how sorry he was。
Yeah; right。
?Talk about misinformation!? Vanessa ranted。 ?Where do people get this shit? So; how are you
anyway?? she asked; sounding kind of glad to hear from him。
?I was just voted senior speaker;? Dan admitted; like he?d been campaigning